Jeju Museum of Modern Art/Dancing Garden Blissful Garden Exhibition Written by curator Gil-soon Han
Media art refers to artworks that are created by incorporating media technologies, such as television, radio, computer, and the Internet, into conventional art domains such as fine art or sculpture.
Combining scientific technologies and art together, media art covers such a wide range of artistic disciplines as visual images, sound, and performance art. Indeed, media art can be referred to as total work of art. At a glance, media art could be understood simply as a form of art in which artworks are created by combining visual and auditory expressions, or fine art and music, or visualized images and sound. But there is more to it. Although it appears as an artistic expression created by putting sorts of conventional art genres together, media art takes a different modality of art from that of the conventional art by having the interactive characteristic of media and the relationship with emerging technologies. The characteristics as total artwork, emerging technologies, changing environment, and the demand from the general public to cope with the changing environment are interlocked in media art.
In media art, shapes can be easily modified and restored. Hence, media art approaches openly to viewers. Artists, their artworks, and viewers feel and perceive with each other through a new method of communication rather than in a conventional way. In conventional art, viewers put themselves into artworks trying to understand them. But in media art, artworks react to the stimuli that viewers initiate.
Paik, Nam June (1932-2006), who is known as the founder of video art, altered old television sets into two-way video devices, which facilitated the development of video technology and eventually opened the door to the video era. Likewise, the criteria to appraise media art are formed within the relationship of art with technologies. Media art is art and at the same time, it is technology. Therefore, media art pieces cannot be evaluated by applying the criteria to value art. As such, media art is interlinked with the essential changes of art. Hence, media art can be viewed as a meaningful watershed in art history with a suggestion to a new domain of art, which is essentially different from the conventional art forms.
In such a context, Shim, Young-Churl's media art specifically suggests a possibility to a new domain of art while communicating in relationships by incorporating science and technology into art, which is done differently from the conventional styles. In this exhibition, the Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art presents Shim's 30 years' work of media art. The special exhibition, "Blissful Garden, will be an opportunity to shed light on what media art signifies in the field of contemporary art.
Shim became interested in various new media and art genres, such as hologram, video, installation, light art, and kinetic art, while she was studying at the Otis Parsons Art Institute, UCLA and the Golden State University, USA in 1988. They became the source and the foundation of Shim's artworks. She focused on learning the methods to convey a message in artworks using media during her study in the USA. At that time, she realized that the meaning of art is "a mental force with a purpose of communication." In 1989, she returned to Korea and had a solo exhibition, "Jesus Love You" in Gallery Dongsung Art Center, Seoul. Shim's artworks in those days were experimental pieces applying the characteristics of various media to communications.
In the exhibition series, "Electronic Garden, at the Daejeon Expo 1993, Shim introduced media art pieces using a touch screen technology for the first time in Korea. Viewers responded with a keen interest to art combined with a new technology and were actively interactive with the exhibiting artworks. Throughout the 1990s, a touch screen-based media art became a central motif for Shim's artworks. However, the 1990 was a very difficult time for her. Divorced as a Christian, she sought a life in seclusion. But she never gave up her strong sense of artistic vocation. Shim's artworks of those days well express the process of how she overcame the pains and despair and sublimated them into art.
Shim has presented a series of media art exhibitions: "Electronic Garden" in the 1990s, "Monumental Garden" and "Secret Garden" in the 2000s, and "Matrix Garden" in the 2010s. We can see that her art world continuously adapts to changes. Shim's garden series, which began in earnest since the 1990s, are based on the Christian faith. Adopting various electronic media, she tries to communicate with viewers. Her artworks have suggested a new concept of the aesthetics while presenting a diversity of visual pleasures as well. Shim's pioneering attempts in media art have certainly played an important role in Korea's contemporary art.
In this special exhibition, Shim's garden series will be recomposed and displayed in three exhibition halls located at the main building of the Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art. They are: "Matrix Garden
I - Flight", "Matrix Garden II - Flower of Light," "Electronic Garden, "Monumental Garden," and "Secret Garden" in addition to artworks of pre-90s that convey religious messages.
The Special Exhibition Hall exhibits the "Matrix Garden I - Flight" series. It becomes a virtual space for infinite reproduction created by combinations of vertical and horizontal axes. Stainless steel beads as a main motif, they are hanged down in clusters from a large plate that's positioned in the ceiling. Then a one to two minute video is projected repeatedly onto white sheets of cloth hanging down near the clusters. Glittering stars appear on the viewers' silhouettes. The stainless steel beads are carefully refined and expressed in minimalism. Images of viewers are projected on the beads, repeating the cycle of reproduction and disappearing infinitely. The "Matrix Garden" lets people recognize themselves anew. Each one of the beads represents a pixel that has its own sound and emotions as well as a microcosm with its own world. In the "Matrix Garden," Shim reveals that the life of human beings can be expanded infinitely to a deeper and more profound dimension, beyond the space between the realistic and virtual realms.
In the 1st Temporary Exhibition Hall, Shim's artworks in the "Matrix Garden II - Flower of Light" series is displayed. A waterfall is created using seven-meter string beads hanging down from the ceiling.
Spiky and tentacle-like optical fibers emit light alternating flamboyant and transparent rays in order to induce 'spiritual purification. It seems that Shim's “Matrix Garden II” series is a monumental symbol that represents her mental state as being at the zenith of sublimating all her pains. She also installed a series of hologram artworks on the floor. The holograms appear as viewers shine a flashlight on them.
They appear in a different shape along the movement of viewers' flashlights. Viewers can enjoy finding new shapes each time by moving around and shining light on the holograms. While interacting with viewers, the artist is looking for a new meaning from various scenes.
The third exhibition hall is set in the 2nd Temporary Exhibition Hall. With the resonating sounds of nature and life, the series of "Electronic Garden," Monumental Garden,""Secret Garden, and the works of pre-90s that relay religious messages are recomposed in conjunction. With the Garden of Eden, where the story of Adam and Eve comes from, and the spring of energy where eternal life breathes, and through the shining altar by holy effulgence, it seems that the artist wants us to see and feel the ever-expanding movement towards and beyond the universe, the exploration of the unexplored through the dynamic cycle of nature and human beings, and the inexhaustible energy for growth.
The materials used for these series are natural materials such as water, soil, wood, stone, and grass, as well as inorganic or processed materials such as iron, stainless steel, glass, and fiber reinforced plastics (FRP). The artist also used materials produced from cutting-edge technologies like video, hologram, optical fiber, neon, plasma, and so on. Shim, Young-Churl is a multi-sensuous artist. She does sculpture, multi-dimensional work, installation art, relief art, as well as performance art. She breathes life into the materials and presents her sensuous media art series in her gardens.
In the special exhibition, "Blissful Garden, nature and technology are combined in the form of media art. With the unconventional and flamboyant colors and light, the artist shows a new style of formativeness and various communication methods of media art. Shim listened to the sound of her soul resonating from her prayers and indulged her passion to sublimate it into art. As a delicate, highly sensible, and creative artist, her life and soul are revealed in every corner of the exhibition halls. She prays when she is in despair, pain, and love. Shim's art world reveals her life but not as whom she is now. Rather, it is who she was when she was in pain and despair in a form of a message-delivering love that she learned through prayers. Reflecting the spirit of the times, Shim continues to re-discover methods of expression and materials. She uses them to create warm media art pieces where human beings and art are in good harmony, and where humanism proliferates. They are the real world. She created them to give us the opportunity to see the secret state of enlightenment in the real world.
The painful and despairing times are now in her artworks. With her artistic imagination, Shim shows a cosmic fantasy and tells a full and powerful message of love through intercommunications among people, nature, and God.
Shim, Young-Churl embraces media in her art beyond the boundary of genre. She even uses performance art for her media art. The topics such as religion, universe, life, and the environment which she incorporate in her art may seem big and abstract; but with a careful observation, one would easily notice how she did not miss petty and every day events like her mother's love and hobby raising orchids. Shim's mother is always at the center of such memories and her mother's love is the source of her memories. They are all expressed in her artworks delicately and genuinely. With her long devotion, Shim has given warmth and breath to media that are easily seen as something merely mechanical and artificial. As a result of her unyielding and pioneering spirit and avant-garde efforts, Shim's artistic caliber and her artworks will become more increasingly and positively influential in our time.
This special exhibition is a great opportunity to meet Shim, Young-Churl and appreciate her artworks.
I feel very grateful because I can see the bright future of Korea's contemporary art through this exhibition. Viewers, the artist, and her artworks are all blessed in the "Blissful
Garden." I hope that every one of us can enjoy fully the "Blissful Garden."
Churl Shim 沈英喆
1983 SUNGSHIN WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY. Dept of Sculpture and
same graduate school graduate
1985 Otis-Parsons, U.C.L.A
1988 G.S.U Ph.D. (Esthetics Of Installation Art)
The present
Professor, Faculty of Art and Sculpture, Suwon University
2012 KAP : Korean Artist Project Participating artist
(Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism)
Artist Award (Artist's Day)
Artist Award (Korean Contemporary Art)
Art Competition Silver Award
of the Year Award (Kyunghyang Newspaper-Kyunghyang Gallery)
Art Award
Art and Culture Award (Korea Culture and Arts Center)
Art and Culture Grand Prize (Ace Art Company)
Holy Spirit Award
10th International Art Fair Special Award
World Cup Sculpture Winner
10th Korean Artist Award
Art Award
Art Museum Award
Artist Award (Korea Art Critics Association, Art Division)
Art Exhibition Special Selection
Art Exhibition
Art Grand Prize
Garden Blissful Garden] Incheon Asian Art Show, Songdo Convensia, Incheon
garden-I am a Korean painter], Namsong Art Museum, Gapyeong
Garden - Madona invitation exhibit], Dongdaemun Design Plaza DDP, Seoul
Garden - 2018 Korea Art Festival KAFA International Art Fair], KINTEX, Ilsan
Garden - KIAF Art Fair], Sun Gallery
Garden - Sculpture, all over the world], Korea Sculptors Association
Garden - Hwaseong Exhibition], Dongtan Cultural Center
Garden - Korean Art Association Executive Exhibition], Korean Museum of Art
Garden - Movement of the Center - Embers, ignite], Gallery Art World
Garden - Dancing Garden Blissful Garden], Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art, Jeju
Garden - 2014 SETEC Seoul Art Show], SETEC, Seoul
Garden - 2014 Mokam Art Museum Invitational Exhibition Young-Churl Shim Solo
Exhibition] Mokam Museum of Art, Gyeonggi
Garden - 2014 MANIF art fair Invitational Exhibition] Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Garden - Invitational Exhibition by Young-Churl Shim], Asia Art Center, Seoul
Garden - 5th Seoul Modern Art Show], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Garden - “The sound of the soul, blooming as a flower of light”], Korean Museum
of Art, Yongin
Garden - Seoul International Sculpture Festa], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Garden - Korea-Thailand Cultural Exchange Installation Art Performance
Invitation Exhibition], Bangkok Museum of Art
Garden - Young-Churl Shim Fantasy Montage Installation Art Performance],
Gangnam-gu Community Center, Seoul
Garden - Germany Caste Exhibition], Caste Museum of Art, Germany
Garden - Invited Solo Exhibition in India], Buddha Gaya Ali Rivet Center,
Delhi, India
Garden - Invited Solo Exhibition in Japan], Tokyo Museum of Art, Tokyo, Japan
Garden - MANIF International Art Fair], Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul Arts Center,
Garden - 18th Seokju Art Award Commemorative Exhibition], Sun Art Center, Seoul
Garden - MANIF International Art Fair], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Garden - 5th Gyeonggi-do World Ceramic Biennale (International Ceramic
Performance)], Icheon
Garden - Artist of the Year Award Ceremony], Kyunghyang Gallery, Seoul
Garden - MANIF International Art Fair], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Garden - ultural Vision Golden Eye Art Fair commemorating the 60th anniversary
of the founding of the country], COEX, Seoul
Garden - MANIF International Art Fair], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Garden - Korea Experimental Arts Festival Performance 40], Seoul
Garden - MANIF International Art Fair], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Garden - Cross-section exhibition of contemporary art], Uijeongbu Arts Center,
Garden - MANIF International Art Fair Special Award commemorative exhibition],
Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Garden - Dismantling of Vision], Gyeongnam Museum of Art, Changwon
Garden - MANIF International Art Fair], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Garden - Phenomena and Prospect of Contemporary Korean Art], Suwon University
Goun Museum of Art, Suwon
Garden - KIAF Special Exhibition Digital Art Limited], COEX, Seoul
Garden - Shim Young-Churl installation exhibition], KAIST Techno Business
School, Seoul
Garden - Best Star, Best Artist], Insa Art Center, Seoul
Garden - Special exhibition after 10 years of science + art], Insa Art Center,
Garden - 19th Sarajevo International Festival], Art Gallery of Bosnia &
Herzeovina, Sarajevo
Garden for the Environment], Insa Art Center, Seoul
Garden - KACF Fantasy space], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Garden - Digital Art Network], Technomart, Seoul
Garden - Running Digital Imaging Art Museum], Subway Line 6 Project, Seoul
Garden - Pilgrim 2000], Seoul International Performing Arts Festival,
Insa-dong, Seoul
Garden], Gallery Art Festival, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Garden - MANIF International Art Fair], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Garden - MANIF International Art Fair], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Garden - 4th Juksan International Art Festival], laughing-dol Camp, Gyeonggi
Garden - Korea’s Hologram-The Future of Light], Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
Garden - Providence - Tribulation is for perseverance, patience is for
refinement, and refinement is for the fulfillment of hope], Walkerhill Museum
of Art, Seoul
Garden - MAC 2000], Espace Eiffel Branly, Paris, France
Garden - Providence-Love is as strong as death...], performance [Let it go
loose], Gallery Artbeam, Seoul
Garden - MANIF International Art Fair], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Garden - Providence], Hyundai Department Store Gallery, Seoul
Garden - Providence - longing, adversity, resignation, meaning of life and
harmony], Sun Gallery, Seoul
life and death...], Theodore Museum of Contemporary Art, Toronto, Canada
where do we come from, where do we stay, and where do we go?], Artificial
Gallery, Seoul
Loves You], Gallery Dongsong Art Center, Seoul
Representation of Comb], Arts Center, Korea Institute of Arts and Culture (now
Arko Art Museum), Seoul
The 40th Regular Exhibition of the Korean Women Sculptors Association - The
Language at Your Fingertips], Geumboseong Art Center
very diverse line of chatter II], Gallery Jacob 1212
& OUT : Utopia without caution], the opening exhibition of the complex
cultural space 111CM
Sungshin Sculpture Exhibition], Insa Art Center, Insadong Seoul
Korea Contemporary Sculpture Invitation Exhibition], Chuncheon MBC Lakeside
Plaza, Chuncheon
Anniversary of Korean Modern Sculptors, Cross Section of Korean Contemporary
Sculpture] Seosomun Seongji History Museum
Video Art 7090: Time Image Apparatus] National Museum of Modern and
Contemporary Art, Korea
Korea Contemporary Sculpture Invitation Exhibition], Chuncheon MBC Lakeside
Plaza, Chuncheon
Sclupture Masterpices] Sun Gallery
Siheung Wind Exhibition], Korea Creative Art Association
Shelter home> Korea Women's Sculpture Society, Geumboseong Art Center
[54회 Exhibition of Korea Art Association>
Art Association Invitational Exhibition], KEPCO Art Center Gallery, Yangjae-dong
exhibition], Gallery Art World Planning, Insa-dong
to the opening exhibition of Gallery Conseyu], Gallery Conseyu, Insadong
Exhibition of Contemporary Korean Sculpture], Chuncheon MBC 2019, Chuncheon
Fair + Performance (Butterfly)], Bausium Sculpture Museum, Sokcho
I Became a Sculptor], Humanities Museum, Yanggu
Asian Contemporary Sculpture], Institute of Art and Culture, Ottawara, Japan
years, opening a new window> , Sun Gallery opening 40 years, Sun Gallery
PASSION], Yangpyeong Museum of Art
next door The artist living next door], Gyeonggi Open Studio
WOMAN], C Art Museum, Sun Gallery
of Resurrection], Gwangju Jeonnam Gallery, National Sculpture Association
fragrance of nature and molding], Haenam Culture and Arts Center
Anniversary Sculpture Exhibition], University of Seoul
Sujeonggwan Gaon Exhibition Room
Vision of Korea-Japan Contemporary Sculpture], Silk Gallery, Cultural Center,
Japanese Embassy in Korea, Seoul
Everything in the World], Korea Sculptors Association
Exhibition], Dongtan Cultural Center
of executive officers of the Korean Art Association], Korean Museum of Art
of the Center - Embers, Ignite], Gallery Art World
Women Sculptors Association [Mother], Gallery 1989, Seoul
Invitational Exhibition of Dokdo, our beautiful island [Long live Korean
Dokdo!], Seoul Arts Center Calligraphy Center, Seoul
Gallery opened 40 years ago [40 years, open a new window], Sun Gallery, Seoul
Image Sungshin Sculpture 44], C Art Museum, Seoul
Sea Sculpture Festa], Dangjin Arts Center, Dangjin
Sculpture Exhibition], Art Space H, Seoul
DREAM NEW FUTURE], 55 quartair contempoary art initiatives, Netherlands
KSBDA Barcelona International Exhibition], istituto europeo di design, Spain
Korean Women Sculptors Association "Blue Stars", Gallery 1898, Seoul
Lanzhou Sino-Korean Sculpture Invitational Exhibition [Light of the Silk Road],
Lanzhou Gansu International Convention & Exhibition Center, China
Gwangju Media Festival], Bitgoeul Citizen's Culture Center, Gwangju
50th Anniversary Exhibition], Ara Art Center, Seoul
Artists Association], Gallery M, Seoul
Fine Art Association Invitational Artist Exhibition], KEPCO Art Center Gallery,
Sculptors Association exhibition], COSA Space Gallery, Seoul
Art Festival], Seongnam Art Center, Gyeonggi
Art Festival], Namsong Art Museum, Gyeonggi
Future of Asian Sculpture], United Gallery, Seoul
Seoul Light Lantern Festival], Cheonggyecheon, Seoul
48th Korea Art Association Exhibition], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Art Festival], Seongnam Art Center, Gyeonggi
Scenes], Culture Factory Osan, Osan
Art Exhibition of Light], Ulsan Culture and Arts Center, Ulsan
Sculptors Association 40th Anniversary Invitation Exhibition], C Art Museum,
Commemorative Exhibition of 40 Years of Korean Women Sculptors Association],
Art World Gallery, Seoul
Korea Society of Design and Culture Winter International Design Exhibition],
Suwon University Bel Canto Art Center, Gyeonggi-do
between each and every temple], Seoul Museum of Art, Insa-dong
Seoul Fine Art Association Invitational Artist Exhibition commemorating the
115th anniversary of the founding of Korea Electric Power Corporation], KEPCO
Art Center Gallery, Seoul
Beijing Korean-Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition-Inevitable Coincidence],
4-Face Space Gallery, China
Korea-China Sculpture Joint Exhibition], China
World of Light Art-The Magic of Light Exhibition], Museum of Contemporary Art,
Mangsang Expo], Gangwon-do
9th Seoul Fine Art Association Member Exhibition], municipal Gyeonghuigung
Museum of Art, Seoul
1st Seoul Fine Art Association Invited Artist Exhibition], KEPCO Art Gallery
Center, Seoul
Yangpyeong to commemorate the 1st anniversary of the opening], Yangpyeong Art
Museum, Gyeonggi-do
Hwaseong Sculpture Regular Exhibition], Dongtan Cultural Complex Center,
the Eyes of the World], Yongin Korean Art Museum, Gyeonggi-do
Seongshin Sculpture Exhibition], DMC PR Gallery, Seoul
Art Museum Opening Commemorative Exhibition], Danwon Art Museum, Anseong
Open Art Fair], COEX, Seoul
Santa K-Sculpture to the World], Santa Gostino Museum of Art, Italy
28th Korean Women Sculptors Association Exhibition], Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
39th Sungshin Sculpture Exhibition], DMC Public Relations Gallery, Seoul
Good Morning New Morning Exhibition ], Gallery Lamer, Seoul
Art Association Exhibition], Kepco Art Center Gallery, Seoul
Art Festival], COEX, Sun Gallery, Seoul
Art Festival], SETEC, Seoul
Art Association Exhibition], Kepco Art Center Gallery, Seoul
Women Sculptors Association Special Exhibition], Hwabong Gallery, Seoul
Good Morning New Morning Exhibition], Gallery Lamer, Seoul
Sculpture Society], Gallery k, Seoul
exhibition with the art world], Gong Art Space, Seoul
Women’s University 45th Anniversary Exhibition], Insa Art Center, Seoul
Art Award Commemorative Exhibition], Gana Art Center, Seoul
Flag Festival], Buan
Fine Art Association Halla Vivaldi], Ilsan Halla Vivaldi Model House, Ilsan
21.5 Exhibition], Boutique Monaco Art Museum, Seoul
Good morning New Morning Exhibition], Gallery Lamer, Seoul
exhibition of art professor works from 10 countries], Danwon Museum of Art, Ansan
Women’s Sculpture Exhibition], Gyeonghuigung Palace, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
National University Art Center Opening Commemorative Exhibition - A Gaze of
Contemporary Art], Pusan National University Art Center, Busan
work exhibition at Suwon University of Fine Arts], Goun Museum of Art, Suwon
Goun Memorial Invitation Exhibition], Gallery Goun, Masan
Art International Exhibition], Crown-Haitai Cuoria Museum, Seoul
Women Sculptors Association], Iang Gallery, Seoul
Anniversary of Korea-China diplomatic relations, Invited C.KOAS Exhibition]
Sangsang Art Museum, Beijing, China
Gallery opening commemorative exhibition of 22 top contemporary artists],
United Gallery, Seoul
42nd Korean Fine Art Association Exhibition], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
International Art Exhibition], Xianyang Fort Museum, Beijing, China
4th Ansan International Art Fair], Danwon Museum of Art, Ansan
“800,000 won exhibition”], Kyunghyang Gallery, Seoul
Exhibition of Dreams and Love], BON Gallery, Seoul
35th Sungshin Sculpture Exhibition], Moran Gallery, Seoul
2008], COEX, Seoul
Korean Contemporary Art and Culture Expo], Greenville Convention Center, USA
4th Seoul Art Association Exhibition], Yeongdeungpo Cultural Center, Seoul
exhibition to raise funds for the restoration of Sungnyemun], Millennium Hilton
Hotel, Seoul
International Art Festival], Jinnam Arts Center, Yeosu
Museum of Art, Sangnok Exhibition Hall Opening Commemorative Exhibition
(COLLAGE)], Sangnok Exhibition Hall, Gwangju
Asia Biennale], Pocheon
exhibition to commemorate the opening of Arbazar], Arbazar, Busan
Letter Christian Art Invitational Exhibition], Milal Museum of Art, Seoul
Cultural and Arts Center reopening commemorative exhibition], Incheon Culture
and Arts Center, Incheon
Exchange Exhibition on the 15th Anniversary of Establishment of Korea-China
Relations], Haitai Headquarters, Seoul/ Beijing Sangsang Art Museum, Beijing
3rd Seoul Fine Art Association Member Exhibition], Gyeonghuigung Seoul Museum
Of Art, Seoul
International Art Fair], COEX, Seoul
Contemporary Art Invitation Exhibition], Sejong Center for the Performing Arts,
Namsong International Art Fair], Seongnam Art Center, Seongnam
Newspaper 700,000 Won Exhibition], KyunghyangIlbo Gallery, Seoul
International Art Fair], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Art Festival], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Art Festival Living Furniture Exhibition], Busan Biennale, Busan
Art Ansan 2006], Danwon Art Museum, Ansan
Media Art ‘Light’ Exhibition], Seongnam Art Center, Seongnam
Art Fair 2006], Shanghai, China
World Light Expo 2006], Simyang Qipanshan National Art Museum, Simyang, China
Art Fair], Chicago, USA
2nd Seoul Metro Museum of Art special invitation exhibition, Metro Museum of
Art, Seoul
International Women’s Art Biennale], Incheon
Seongshin Sculpture Exhibition], Moran Gallery, Seoul
Art Exhibition for Pediatric Patients], Severance Hospital Main Building, Seoul
Asian Art Festival], Banwol Art Hall, Pocheon
Art Memory 2005], Danwon Art Museum, Ansan
Light Expo 2005, Light-Environment], Goyang
Culture Center opening commemorative exhibition [Playing Light], Yunseul Museum
of Art, Gimhae
Art Fair 2005], Shanghai, China
Art Fair 2005], Sydney, Australia
commemorating the 60th anniversary of liberation [Today and Future of Korean
Art], Mokam Art Museum, Goyang
Riddles], Danwon Art Museum, Ansan
of Nature], Seoul Museum of Art Namseoul Branch, Seoul
anniversary of the Women's Year Suwon University Art College Professor
Invitation Exhibition], Sua Art Space, Suwon
Art Festival], Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Seoul
small monument exhibition of 100 sculptors], Sun Gallery, Seoul
Expo 2004-Hologram], COEX, Seoul
Metro], Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju
Midsummer Night's Dream], Gail Museum of Art, Yangpyeong
Local Artist Invitational Exhibition], Seongnam Culture House, Seongnam
Seoul General Assembly Commemoration [Power of Life], Hantaek Botanical Garden,
Garden Video - Gyeongju Expo], Gyeongju
Center for the Performing Arts Museum Opening commemorative Exhibition [Adam
and Eve-Nude Aesthetics], Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Seoul
of Life Festival 2003], Gongpyeong Art Center, Seoul
Art: Commemorative Exhibition of the Year of Water], Sori Arts Center of
Jeollabuk-do, Jeonju
Art: Water], Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
History: Jongno Street Festival on Samil Manse Day], Performance
"Declaration of Independence - Empress Myeongseong", Seoul
and Lights of the Korean People], Iwate Prefectural Museum of Art, Iwate, Japan
People’s Color and Light], Osaka Museum of Modern Art, Osaka, Japan
and Lights of the Korean People], Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Nagoya,
& Symbol], Light Gallery, Seoul
COEX, Sun Gallery, Seoul
people’s props exhibition], Light Gallery, Seoul
in the Program], Korean Cultural Center Osaka, Japan
Special Exhibition of Contemporary Korean Sculpture: What is Sculpture], Seoul
Arts Center, Seoul
Museum of Art Opening Commemorative Exhibition [Light and Color of the Korean
People], Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
Exhibition of Korean and Japanese Artists], Mokam Art Museum, Goyang
Culture and Arts Promotion Center Art Center, Seoul
Exhibition of 200 Artists], Sun Gallery, Seoul
Art Festival], Samsung Plaza Gallery, Bundang
Sculpture Exhibition], Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
exhibition of 5 Artist installation art], Wing Gallery, Seoul
of the New Millennium], New Millennium Preparation Committee, LG Art Hall,
Fountain], Seoul Arts Center Gugak Center, Seoul
Shining Flash from the East mind], Pyeongtaek Culture and Arts Center,
Gallery Opening Commemoration [200 Artist Sculpture Invitation Exhibition],
Wing Gallery, Seoul
1st Children's Art Festival [Rabbit and Submarine], Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
Art Invitational Exhibition], Seoul Gallery, Seoul
Art Festival], Samsung Plaza Gallery, Bundang
Women’s University 30th Anniversary Exhibition], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
exhibition of 12 shining women], Gallery Riiki, Seoul
Kunst Ausstellung Dusseldorf], Dusseldorf, Germany
art exhibition to help the unemployed and absent children], Seoul Gallery,
Exhibition of Virtual Art City], 21st Century Art Environment Research Center,
Samsung Gallery, Seoul
Art Festival], Samsung Plaza Gallery, Bundang
exhibition to commemorate the opening of Hanseo Gallery], Hanseo Gallery, Seoul
exhibition commemorating the opening of Gallery Bing [International Art
Festival], Seoul
Environmental Art Festival-Gwanghwamun Project], Seoul
exhibition to commemorate the opening of Gyeonggi Culture and Arts Center],
Gyeonggi Culture and Arts Center, Suwon
Art Award Commemorative Exhibition], Sungshin Women’s University Sujeong Museum
of Art, Seoul
Art Festival], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
exhibition in Performance], National Theater of Korea, Seoul
Invitational Exhibition of Korean Contemporary Art], Seoul Newspaper Gallery,
the 21st anniversary of the opening of Sun Gallery [200 sculptors’ small works
exhibition], Sun Gallery, Seoul
97 Art Fair], Galerie Claude Dorval, Madrid, Spain
Art Festival], Seoul Arts Center Art Gallery, Seoul
Sculpture Exhibition], Seoul
FIAC EDITION], Paris, France
Junction], Foire Festival D'art Contemporain, Nice, France
97], Escape Eiffel Branly, Paris, France
Hye-seok Art Exhibition], Culture and Arts Center, Suwon
International Art Fair], Seoul Arts Center Art Gallery, Seoul
Religious person Art Exhibition], Seoul Arts Center Art Gallery, Seoul
Women’s Art Festival], Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
Women’s University 30th Anniversary Art Festival], Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
Art Award-winning artist exhibition], Total Museum of Art, Jangheung
Snap of Korean Contemporary Art], Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
Art Festival], Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
- That Eternal Dream], Helena Gallery, Seoul
the opening of Insa Gallery [Flow of Korean Contemporary Art], Insa Gallery,
Art Grand Prize Exhibition], Total Art Museum, Jangheung
& PETE COLLECTION], Toronto, Seoul, and San Francisco tour exhibitions
in Art, Art in Books], Gallery Artbeam, Seoul
Generation Flow Exhibition-City, its expression of life], Culture and Arts
Promotion Center Art Center, Seoul
Garden - Techno Art], Daejeon Expo, Expo Culture and Art Exhibition Hall,
Sculpture Exhibition], Seoul Arts Center Art Gallery, Seoul
of Korean intellectuals], Chosun Ilbo Museum of Art, Seoul
section of the phase today and tomorrow], Kwanhoon Gallery, Seoul
+ Art], COEX, Seoul
international exhibition], Seoul Arts Center Art Gallery, Seoul
Art : A Search for the 2000s], Gallery Grace, Seoul
de Seoul], Kwanhoon Gallery, Seoul
Contemporary Art Festival], Culture and Arts Promotion Center Art Center, Seoul
Exhibition of Korean Contemporary Art], Seonjae Art Museum, Gyeongju
and Technology], Seoul Arts Center Art Gallery, Seoul
Arts Center opening commemorative exhibition], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Perspective, Proposal of Tomorrow], Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Women's Sculpture Exhibition], Seoul
of Christian Artists Association], Seoul
Light, Light], Neon Museum, L.A, USA
Show], OTIS Parson's gallery, L.A, USA
Sculpture Exhibition], Art Center, Seoul
Art Young Artists Exhibition], Museum of Youth Art, Seoul
of social gathering exhibition], Publishing Culture Center, Seoul
exhibition], National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul
Exhibition of 15 Contemporary Artists], Seoul
garden-Blissful Garden Performance, Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art, Jeju
Shim fantasy montage installation art performance, Gangnam-gu Community Center,
Performance Art Festival, Mexico
(moving installation performance), Tokyo, Japan
Garden - Quebec lnternational Performance Art Festival, Canada
Garden (Voice Performance), Bucheon
the sea (Voice Performance), Samcheonpo
Grape, Gimcheon / Suwon
candle (Voice Performance), Seoul
the lakeside (Voice Performance), Ganghwa Island
space(Shape of Sound), 2010 MANIF International Art Fair/ 2010 Busan Biennale
Myeongseong (Beyond History), Canada
5th Gyeonggi-do World Ceramic Biennale (International Ceramic Performance)
people Korean Experimental Art Festival Performances, Seoul
Myeongseong (Beyond History), Seoul / Osaka
coming millennium, Seoul
2000, Seoul International Performance Art Festival, Insa-dong, Seou
Garden, The 4th Juksan International Art Festival
them go and let them go, Gallery Artbeam, Seoul
rule life and death, Toronto, Canada
where do we come from and where are we staying and where are we going?
video installation with audience participation), Seoul
Collection of works
Hoam Museum of Art, Total Art Museum, National Museum of
Modern and Contemporary Art, Wickerhill Museum, C.ART MUSEUM, Gowoon Art
Museum, Seoul Arts Center, Korea Arts Center Outdoor Sculpture Park, Gimhae
Yeonji Sculpture Park, Suwon Sukji Park World Cup Garden, Mirage Tower, ASEM
Tower, 63 Building, COEX Intercontinental Hotel, Gyeongin Women's College,
Samcheonggak, New York Confectionery, Daehan Textile, Chungnam Textile,
Ssangyong, etc.
Dancing garden (2012)
Chairman of the International Subcommittee of the Korean
Art AssociationMany art college professor recruitment evaluation
committeesChairperson of judging committee related to art college entrance
examinationChairman, Sculpture Division, Seoul Art AssociationSeoul Arts &
Decorations Deliberation CommitteeJudge on the entrance examination of the
whole country University of Fine ArtsJudge for national competitions (about 20
times)Vice President of Gyeonggi-do Council on Living the Right WayPresident of
Women's Sculpture AssociationPresident of the Sungshin Sculptors Association
제주현대미술관/춤추는 정원 Blissful Garden 전시 학예연구사 한길순 기획의 글
'미디어 아트는 기존 회화나 조각 등 전통미술 영역에 텔레비전, 라디오, 비디오, 컴퓨터,인터넷과 같은 미디어를 활용하여 작품을 만든다.
과학기술과 예술을 결합하여 만들어낸 미디어아트는 시각 이미지뿐만 아니라 사운드와 퍼포먼스까지를 종합한 총체예술이다.
하지만 미디어아트를 시각과 청각, 미술과 음악을 결합한 하나의 총체적인 공감각의 구현이나 시각 이미지와 사운드를 결합한 작품으로만 이해하기에는 부족함이 있다.
미디어 아트는 기존의 예술장르들을 종합하여 구현하는 듯하지만, 쌍방향적인 미디어의 특성이나 예술과 기술의 관계는 과거 전통예술과는 다른 방식을 취하고 있기 때문이다.
총체예술로서의 성격과 과학기술의 발달 및 환경의 변화, 그리고 변화하는 시대에 대한 대중의 요구가 맞물려있다고 볼 수 있다.
미디어 아트는 변형과 복구가 용이하다는 미디어매체의 특성상 관람객에 대하여 개방적이어서 예술가와 작품, 관람객의 관계에서 과거와는 다른 소통방식으로 서로를 인식하고 지각한다.
전통예술에서는 관람객이 작품 안으로 들어가 이해하려했다면 이제는 관람객이 자극을 주면 작품이 반응하여 함께 만들어가는 예술인 것이다.
또한 백남준이 텔레비전을 쌍방향성으로 바꿔 비디오 시대를 열고 기술의 발전을 촉진 할 수 있었던 것처럼 기술과의 관계 속에서 미디어 아트의 평가 기준이 만들어진다.
미디어 아트는 예술이자 동시에 기술이기 때문에 예술적 기준만을 가지고 평가 될 수 있는 것은 아니다.
이와 같이 미디어 아트는 예술 자체의 근본적인 변화와 맞물려 있어서 기존 전통 예술과는 다른 새로운 예술세계를 제안한다는데 미디어아트의 예술사적 의의가 있다고 볼 수 있겠다.
이러한 맥락에서 작가 심영철의 미디어아트는 전통예술과는 다른 방식의 관계 속에서 소통하고 과학 기술력을 접목하여 새로운 예술세계로의 가능성을 구체적으로 우리에게 제시하고 있다.
이에 작가 심영철의 30여 년 동안의 작품들을 한자리에 모아 현대미술에서 미디어아트의 의미를 조명해 보고자 〈춤추는 정원> 특별기획전을 마련하였다.
1988년 UCLA OTIS-PARSONS와 GOLDEN STATE UNIVERSITY에서의 유학시절 동안 작가 심영철은 홀로그램, 비디오, 설치, 라이트 아트, 키네틱 아트 등 새로운 매체와 장르에 관심을 갖고, 이를 자신의 예술작업으로 내면화하였다.
미국 유학중 매체와 메시지의 적용방법에 대해 공부하며
"예술이란 소통 목적을 지닌 정신적인 작용력이다"
라는 사실을 깨닫고, 미국 유학에서 돌아온 89년에 갤러리 동숭아트센터에서 개최한 개인전 <Jesus Love You> 와 그 이후의 전시들은 매체의 특성을 소통에 적용하여 다양한 매체에 관한 모색을 통해 실험적인 작품을 보여준다.
작가에게 1993년 대전 엑스포에서 <일렉트로닉 가든> 전시는 국내 최초로 터치스크린을 도입하여 적극적으로 관객참여가 이뤄진 인터렉티브한 작품들로 이뤄져, 대중들에게 처음 소개되면서 이후 90년대 전반에 걸쳐 작가의 작업에 있어서 중심적인 모티브가 된다.
동시에 90년대는 작가 심영철에게 절망과 고통의 시기였다.
기독교 신자로서 이혼을 하게 된 것이 결국 작가에게는 은둔의 삶을 살게 하지만 작가 심영철은 작가적 소명을 버리지 않고 작품을 통해 자신의 절망과 고통이 승화되어가는 과정을 표현해 나간다.
1990년대 <일렉트로닉 가든)에서 2000년대 <모뉴멘탈 가든>, <시크릿 가든> 2010년대 <매트릭스 가든> 으로 이어지는 작가 심영철의 예술세계는 변화하는 모습을 끊임없이 보여준다.
1990년대 이후 본격적으로 보여주기 시작한 작가 심영철의 가든 시리즈는 작가의 기독교적 신앙을 토대로 전자매체를 통해 관객과 예술적으로 소통하는 많은 시도를 함으로써 또 다른 미의 개념과 다양한 시각적 즐거움을 제공하여 현대미술의 새로운 흐름에 중요한 역할을 하게 된다.
본 기획전시는 본관 전체를 활용하여 매트릭스가든> I, I 시리즈와 <일렉트로닉 가든>, <모뉴멘탈 가든), <시크릿 가든> 시리즈를 병합하고, 90년대 이전 작품을 모아 메시지로 재구성하여 3개의 공간으로 나뉜다.
첫 번째 공간인 특별전시실은 <매트릭스가든-비상> I 시리즈로 매트릭스는 종축과 횡축의 무수한 조합에 의해 만들어지는 가상실재의 무한가능 복제의 공간이다.
작가는 무한 증식되는 스테인레스 재질의 구슬을 주 모티브로 하여 천장에 하나씩 매달아 대형 활판으로 군집을 이루게 하고, 그 주변에 하얀천을 늘어뜨려 1-2분 내외 반복 영상을 상영한다.
관람객들 실루엣에는 반짝이는 별들이 나타나고, 정제되고 미니멀리즘화 된 구슬에는 무한 복제되는 관람객들의 모습이 생성되고 소멸하기를 무한반복하여 관람객들로 하여금 자신의 존재를 재인식해 볼 수 있는 계기를 제공한다.
구슬 하나하나가 소리와 감성을 지닌 픽셀이자 하나의 세계를 담은 소우주로, 작가는 이를 통해 실재현실과 가상현실 사이에 인간의 삶이 더 심오한 차원으로 무한히 확대될 수 있음을 드러내고 있다.
두 번째 공간인 제1기획전시실은 <매트릭스가든-빛의 꽃> I 시리즈로 스테인레스 스틸 재질의 구슬을 하나씩 연결시켜 7미터 천장으로부터 아래쪽으로 폭포처럼 흘러내리도록 구현되었다.
구슬들 사이사이에서는 광섬유가 촉수처럼 뻗어 나와 현란한 빛과 투명한 빛을 번갈아 발산하며 '영혼의 정화'를 유도한다.
이 작품은 작가 자신이 겪어야 했던 모든 고통들의 승화가 최고조로 고양된 정신적 차원의 기념비적인 상징이라 할 수 있다.
또한 홀로그램 작품을 미술관 바닥에 연속적으로 설치하여 관람객으로 하여금 플래쉬를 들고 빛을 비추면 관람객의 움직임에 따라 작품은 시시각각 달라진다.
이때 관람객은 스스로 움직여 새로운 이미지를 계속 찾아 낼 수 있다.
관람객과 상호 호응하며 갖가지 풍경의 새로운 의미를 찾고자 시도된 작품이다.
세 번째 공간인 제2기획전시실은 자연의 소리와 생명의 소리가 울려 퍼지는 가운데 <일렉트로닉 가든). <모뉴멘탈 가든>, <시크릿 가든> 시리즈를 병합하고, 90년대 이전 작품을 모아 메시지로 재구성한다.
아담과 이브의 이야기를 담은 에덴동산, 영원한 생명이 숨 쉬는 에너지의 원천, 신의 영광이 광휘로 빛나는 제단, 아니면 우주 저편의 미지의 세계로 자연과 인간의 역동적인 순환과정을 거치며 우주를 향해 끊임없이 확장되어가는 운동과 성장의 에너지를 담아내고 있다.
작품에 주로 사용된 재료들은 화방에서 구할 수 있는 전통적인 의미의 미술재료가 아니라 물• 흙 • 나무 • 돌 • 풀 등의 자연재료들, 철 • 스테인레스 스틸 • 유리 • FRP 등과 같이 광물질이나 상업적인 것들 또는 비디오 • 홀로그램 • 광섬유 • 네온• 플라즈마 등 첨단적인 것들이다.
이것들을 가지고 다감각적이며 조각 • 입체 • 설치 • 릴리브 • 회화 • 퍼포먼스적인 작가 심영철의 가든시리즈를 만든다.
이 전시는 자연과 기술의 조화를 통해 파격적이고 현란한 색채와 빛으로 둘러싸인 미디어 아트의 새로운 조형성과 소통의 방식을 보여준다.
작가는 자신의 기도로부터 울려 퍼지는 영혼의 소리에 귀 기울이고 이를 작품으로 형상화 하는 것에 모든 열정을 쏟아 부었다.
작가의 섬세한 감성과 과감한 창의적 실험으로 전시장 곳곳에 작가의 삶과 정신을 드러낼 수 있었다.
작가 심영철의 예술세계는 자신의 삶을 표현하되, 현재 있는 그대로의 모습이 아니라 자신이 경험한 절망과 고통을 기도를 통해 사랑의 메시지를 표현한다.
시대정신에 부합하는 표현방식과 소재를 지속적으로 갱신하고 발전시켜 비밀스러움을 간직한 피안의 세계를 인간과 예술작품이 어우러지는 따뜻한 미디어, 휴머니즘이 살아 있는 현실세계로 열어 보여준다.
자신의 삶이 때론 고통스럽고 절망적이었지만 자신의 삶을 작품 안에 녹여내고, 작가의 예술적 상상력으로 사람과 자연 그리고 신과의 소통 속에서 우주적 환타지를 우리에게 밀도 있고, 강렬하게 사랑의 메시지를 표현하고 있는 것이다.
장르의 경계를 넘어 미디어를 수용하고 극복하며 퍼포먼스에 이르기까지 작가 심영철의 예술세계는 종교, 우주, 생명, 환경과 같은 큰 주제를 다루지만 찬찬히 살펴보면 난 가꾸기를 즐겨하시던 어머니의 사랑으로부터 출발한 일상의 것들을 놓치지 않고, 작품 구석구석에 자신의 삶을 오롯이 녹여 섬세하게 담아낸다.
작가는 오랜 시간 동안 심혈을 기울여 미디어라는 차가운 매체성을 삶의 혹독한 따뜻함으로 최고의 훈훈한 미디어아트를 만들어온 것이다.
끊임없는 실험과 전위적 노력의 결과로 작가 심영철의 작품과 역량은 갈수록 이 시대에 긍정적인 영향력을 끼칠 것이다.
작가 심영철을 만나 현대미술의 밝은 미래를 생각하며 본 전시를 만들 수 있어 감사하다.
작가와 관객 그리고 작품이 이뤄낸 축복이 가득한 〈춤추는 정원>에서 우리 모두가 함께 흠뻑 기뻐하길 고대한다.